Saturday, June 1, 2024

Doing well at University Yay


Part of my little family has grown over the years, including Little Miss Lilly, her brother Tripp, and their mum. Love them to bits. Such a beautiful family my youngest son Roy has they are amazing. It is 2:36 am. My ex’s birthday. 71 today. Well, on with school. I ended up with a B in English and my next course was Christian Theology I got a B+ in that now I am on to History of the World Christianity I which I am enjoying and doing well in so far. I'm just having problems with OSAP making me jump through hoops again. Oh well I'll manage I guess I will do all the do things and turn it over to the Lord and let him help me. So far I have jumped through 2 hoops just a few more to go. I was able to finally get three of my four guitars hung on the wall in the living room maybe I will start playing that would be something. My Ex helped me with that yesterday. I am doing okay with my Myasthenia Gravis I'm on new meds which seem to be helping I have my down days especially when I do to much the day before. Well talking about meds I should take mine and get back to bed. Embracing the Faith. 

Friday, February 23, 2024

A on my first assignment in English


Emmett and Tripp brings back memories. They both look like their fathers. It's wild. Well I still have it an A on my first assignment in English. Makes up for all the lousy marks I got in Philosophy lol. We have finished reading The Odyssey I have to say I actually enjoyed it. I should really go to bed and get some sleep I'm pretty tired. I'll try and write more in the morning. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Happy Valentines Day


Here, I sit alone, not feeling the best, but that’s okay. Tomorrow is another day. I got my mark in Philosophy, and it was a C+ 69.5. All I needed was .5 for a B- go figure. I need to be happy with the mark, which means that I still have 3.0 GPA, which is okay so it still puts me in the running to do my master's. I need to work on my English to make sure that I keep my mark up. I just heard from my neurologist and she is starting me on a new med and I need blood work done I asked her to email it to me the req but I do not think she has my email. She just called me back and she has it now. This is good so I will be able to correspond with her through email. Well, I'm still Embracing the Faith. I'll try and write more frequently. 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Not doing well in Philosophy


Arithmetic is not my strong suit, and luckily, I do not have to do math in university. Thank the lord for that. But I am doing Philosophy, and I am not doing well in it. I will be lucky if I end up with a C+ yikes. My next course is English and we are reading two books Odyssey and Dantes's Inferno yay! That should be interesting to see how I do in that. I really need to focus. I have an essay left to do in Philosophy I will have to give it 110% to bring my mark up. I can't believe that it is February 1st already where has the month gone?  Embracing the faith. 

Friday, January 12, 2024

B+ in Old Testament Studies


I finally got my marks, yay. So that is now two B+ and an A- in my courses.  I got an A- for participating in class, an A on comments that we had to make on videos that we had to watch only 500 word comments on four videos, a B on an 8-page essay that I did on the Ark of the Covenant, 15/20 my downfall on my way quiz and an A on a four-page reflection on what I learned during the course. Very pleased with my progress which gives me a 3.3 GPA. Hope I can keep this up and I'll be able to go on to my master's from here. Still, a long way to go. Embracing the Faith. 

Monday, January 1, 2024

January 1st 2024


My youngest son's surname, I had to take a picture of it for him. He’d love a farm, lol. Faye and I went out for a drive yesterday, and we stumbled across this farm on our drive. 

It's hard to believe that the water isn’t frozen yet. It was a beautiful day, and we are having another one today. The sun is shining. What a gorgeous day. It's a great way to start the new year. I was able to stay up late at night to greet the new year which is amazing for me.  I am not planning on doing too much today a load of laundry and that is about it. I hadn't planned on doing laundry but that is the way it goes sometimes. 

I have been working on my next course Philosophy trying to get ahead our lecture is on Thursday looking forward to it. Also looking forward to getting our marks for the last course on the Old Testament hopefully we will get them this week. It is hard for me to go ahead when I am not sure how I am doing but I guess that is something I have to get over. For those who don't want to look back, I doing a degree in theology at Tyndale University online in Toronto from home here in Kingston. I am three credits in right now carried three over from college which is great. I have to get a total of twenty-one I believe. So I have a ways to go yet. With this and the church, I pretty much keep my mind off my Myasthenia Gravis yay and depression. It is important for me to keep my mind active as it likes to wander in the darkest of places sometimes. 

Well this is a good way to start the New Year with my blog let's see if I am able to keep it up at least once a week.

 Embracing the Faith, Margot. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

It is now Boxing Day


What a wonderful Christmas! I was able to hold my grandson even if it was for only a few minutes due to my myasthenia gravis. I feel so blessed right now. I am not having a good night though MG wise unfortunately my chest is heavy and so is my head. I should really go back to bead as it is quarter to three in the morning. I pray that everyone had a wonderful Christmas. 

Monday, December 11, 2023

My grandchildren

I love them to bits. They are the best.

 I have been busy with university the past few months, doing great and enjoying the courses. In my first course, which was on the New Testament, I got a B+, and in my second on Christianity and discipleship, I got an A- yay. I am now halfway through the Old Testament. I'm unsure how to do with this one, but I'm giving it my best. I have a lot of reading in a 5-week course, and trying to get ready for Christmas and my on going battle with my myasthenia gravis has been a challenge. I'm still fighting and trying to remain strong, but it is complicated with my depression. I will keep plugging away at it and I will try and keep up with updates a little more often. Embracing the Faith. 

Monday, September 18, 2023

Help welcome my newest grandson


Please help welcome my newest grandson Paul Roy Kennedy III ‘Trip’. I think he is beautiful. 9lbs 2oz born yesterday at 1:33 pm. He just makes everything right. 

Thursday, September 14, 2023

My life is not the best right now


This is how my life is dark and cold. I have been diagnosed with myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune disease that affects the brain and its signals to the muscle's voluntary muscles. Mine is my neck causing me not to be able to hold my head head up. They have put me on a medication that seems to be helping at the moment but this is something that I'm going to have to live with for the rest of my life and it will only get worse over time. My back surgery was a success thank goodness but now I have this to contend with does it ever end? 

One good thing I am now working on my degree at Tyndale University and it is a challenge it keeps me busy and my mind occupied. I am enjoying the course I am working on the New Testament right now and finding it very interesting. It is quite cool out here on the balcony right now I should really head off to ned as it is 3:30 in the morning. 

Embracing the Faith 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Post-op Day 5


For me, not Noelle or Faye in the picture above. I had a laminectomy of L 4-5 to remove the spur that was pinching my nerves. I feel great amazing a matter of fact. So now I am on the road to recovery. I guess they had problems with my heart while I was having surgery. I went into an LBBB but converted on my own thank goodness to sinus rhythm. All I have to say is praise the Lord. So now they are saying no more surgery for me and that my heart is too bad. I feel wonderful right this minute and I should really head off to bed. I have so much to write about school I will try and write again later. God bless everyone and keep safe. 

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Good morning June 21 2023

 I never did post anything. Better late than never. 

Sunday, May 7, 2023

It is going to be a beautiful day


Not a cloud in the sky, just a few wisps on the horizon. It is Sunday, so I am off to church this morning for the service instead of volunteer work. A few more have crept in behind me, but that is okay. It is still a beautiful morning. The sun is rising in the sky right now, which is fantastic. I slept with the balcony door open last night. I do not worry, as I am on the 10th floor. I should start getting ready for church and wash my hair etc. God bless and keep safe. 

Just a beautiful evening.

 Well, it is two in the morning and I am sitting on my balcony contemplating life. I took this photo around 11 yesterday evening. Our ever-changing horizon. It seems like every time I look out there is another building going up. What is happening to my town (city) I used to call it or it used to be called. I guess I am now in the downtown neighbourhood which used to be called the center of town. Things are changing too fast for me. I guess I am getting old and can not keep up, lol. 

I have had a few changes going on in my life a lot of things actually. I am expecting a new grandson this September from my youngest son's family, yay. My oldest has two boys and I do not think that they are going to try for another. Paul Roy Kennedy 3rd is so exciting for my son I am so happy for him and I am glad that Miss Lilly is my only granddaughter she will be spoiled or is spoiled now but she is such a sweetheart I just love her to bits. She wanted a sister but I am glad that my son has a son coming. I guess he cried when he found out. That my boy taking after his mother and father. He is never afraid to show his emotions. 

Next is the ever going saga of my attempts to get everything sorted out for University. I have to reapply for my OSAP funding for school and grants. it is never ending just when I think that I have everything in order it changes on me. This may be a good thing though because they are finally talking surgery for my back.