Thursday, June 11, 2020

Day 86 I can't sleep

I'm in way too much pain this morning or night or evening yet I don't know what time of day it is. 3:17 am is all I know. I hurt all over my arthritis is hurting the little bits that I have here and there but my back is killing me. I have pain shooting down my legs. I have taken my morning pills already hoping that it will help. My hands are even swollen to the point that my rings are bothering me. I was going to take them off but I can't. I did that feels better. I don't like taking them off but I had too. Hopefully, my meds will kick in soon and help. I'm starting to sweat because of the pain. I just wish I could lay down but that makes things even worse. I don't know if I'll be able to get my rings back on or not. Oh well, we will deal with that in the morning. I need to get some sleep because I'm going to see my granddaughter tomorrow so I'd like to have some sleep. If I could chop off my arms and legs I'd be fine. A cold ice pack would be good about now or a swimming pool would be nice. I'll try one more time to lie down and see if I can get to sleep. Keep safe.

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