Friday, June 5, 2020

Day 80 and no drawings

I don't know what is the matter with me I just have no interest in doing anything except work on my web page. I think I have it the way I want it right now. I have WordPress for dummies on my laptop and I should really read it instead of flying by the seat of my pants. I should really go to bed early tonight and get some sleep. I was up till 3 this morning working on my page. I have been taking lots of photos in the past little while and I'm trying to find someone to shadow for a photoshoot. Hubby isn't feeling well right now. We had turkey for dinner with dressing pre-stuffed and I think the dressing isn't agreeing with him. He felt the same way when we had it the last time. I want to go to bed but he wants me to sit with him for now I guess until he goes to sleep.
This was one of the pictures I took today at Tim Horton's. I guess he loves to ride with his owner on the e-bike. He goes everywhere with him. I had a good day taking photos which I enjoy most of them are flowers. People don't like to have their picture taken. I'm thirsty this evening I should take something for pain and lay down myself. I tried drawing this morning without any luck I need a break I should also finish reading my e-book I started from the library about 3 weeks ago if it hasn't expired by now. Well, I"m going to stop now I'll try and remember to write tomorrow. Hopefully, things will be going better in my life. I still haven't heard from the neurosurgeon. Keep safe everyone.

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