Sunday, November 12, 2017

I need to put away my art supplies

I tried it and it was fun but it's not natural to me like photography so I'm going to stick to that. Thank goodness I didn't spend a lot of money on it most of my supplies I bought at the dollar store. Time to clear the table for something else.
Well my poor husband is sick and had to work last night so hopefully he is sleeping but I hear him cough every once and a while. My stepson has been good so far but we are only talking two days and he has no phone no id nothing. He lost everything in his apartment when he went to jail. What could I do so I had to let him stay. I don't know what else to do with him. He's supposed to move in with his girlfriend at some time. I'm tired and not feeling the best myself I was sleeping but I thought I heard the door bell in my sleep but I guess it was part of my dream. I don't remember what I was dreaming about but the door bell didn't fit in the dream so I guess it's time to get up. Well that's about it for now I'll write later.

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